Thursday, July 15, 2010


When I was still in community college I took a creative writing class. Our final was to turn in a chapbook.

In mine, the dedication was a Vonnegut quote.

It read: "A purpose in human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved."

It was from his book, The Sirens of Titan.

I think I want that as one of my next tattoos. I already have one Vonnegut tattoo, but in this case I think getting a second would be just fine.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dear Blog...

Lately, I can't sleep very well. I am moving soon. I still don't have a real job.

I sit here, late at night, surrounded sometimes by amazing friends, and sometimes only by the white picket fence that was provided to me for two years by the university housing. My two years are UP and they were not shy about letting me know.

Dasan's trip is looking good. We have a place to live all lined up.

I still just want a sunny beach somewhere...and a board to surf on. The waves don't even have to be all that good, as long as the weather is nice...