Thursday, February 17, 2011

Working mama...

So the opening night of this exhibit of the history of the agency I work for is tomorrow night. This means that I will be working well into the evening. No complaints though! I can't wait to see the exhibit and I'm sure it will be super awesome. This week has been total insanity (like every other work week) and I just get so excited about working for such a neat place.

Our big event Tuesday went really, super well and there were only 4 of us that made it happen. It was a far bigger success than any of us planned on it being and the feedback we got was amazing. Even though I play a very small, insignificant role in what my division is doing, just being a part of it and really feeling appreciated for the role I do play is really rewarding.

It feels weird to type that kind of thing. I'm in such a different space than I've ever been before. This job is really important to me, not just because I have a regular paycheck, but because I totally believe in what is being done here and it's so different than what I'm used to feeling about a job. Today I was asked to write an article about one of the programs that we have been running - our simulated evaluations (part of which was recently discussed and filmed for a short clip on PBS) and I feel like this is another opportunity for me to show them what I am capable of. I am being paid to write an article about something that will be published! It's like I'm a little baby journalist!

I still do mundane things like order food and sometimes make coffee and copies, but it's in a fun "event planner" way instead of an "office bitch" kind of way. The difference is really significant for someone that has been "office bitch" before.

Ok. I have to find something to wear for tomorrow, oh and sleep more than 5 hours. Meep.