Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh the bay...

The bay area that is, Berkeley in particular. I LOVE IT. I do. I have made some super amazing friends, the kind that make you feel good about just being alive, just by being near them. The kind you want to sort of rub up against so that you can get a little of what they have. The kind that light up rooms.

I went to a little dinner party tonight that was thrown by a couple of them. Dasan and I just dig them! And while the people are awesome, even the walk to the BART station was lovely... the whole neighborhood smelled like the most wonderful flowers. And even the BART ride was awesome! We looked out at the lights of the houses and the moon and the stars and both Dasan and I were just talking about how much we like it here. How it just feels good to be here.

I never thought I could love a place that didn't have a beach, but I guess I was wrong.

My mom always said that I used to tell her when I was like 2 years old that I wanted to dye my hair black and run away to San Francisco, turns out the whole time I needed to bleach my hair blonde and run away to Berkeley.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Just try to love the life around you...

I have been sick.
Dasan has returned from DC.

I want to fill in all the details, but most of it's just heard through the grapevine anyway.

Truth be told, I need to write more. I used to write every single day - good stuff too. At some point I lost my teenage/early 20's angst and got all wrapped up in being a mom and a student and an employee and all that and I lost one of the things that I loved, that I was good at, that made me always feel better and more connected to who I AM.

Maybe what I wrote was sad or nostalgic or depressing or hopeful, but it was MINE, for me, and it worked. I would watch some dramatic indy film or listen to some sad song for hours and then I would sob and sob and get it all OUT.

I think that's why I've been sick. Those feelings are poison. Better poison on a page than in my space.

So that's my goal. I'm going to get a new notebook, oh yes that's write, I'm talking about actual paper and pen, and I am going to fill it up.