Sunday, January 27, 2013

Failed Attempts

Hi. I was supposed to write here. At least once a week, and I'm thinking I've failed.

It's okay. I've been going through some stuff. I had a boyfriend for a minute, but it turns out I'm not cut out for that kind of thing. Every few years I give it a shot, but the result is always quite upsetting for everyone involved.

You see, I'm already a mom, and I seem to attract people that want a mom, but I am not willing to be a mom to anyone that isn't my son. So there you go.

My son however, is amazing and continues to impress me with his awesomeness every single day.

Yesterday I spent time with a good number of people that I genuinely love. Love the hell out of them. It reminded me how important our friends are.

Spend time with the people that rock your world. As often as you can. Wrap yourself up in them, it's important.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Liminal Space

I worked for a long time today (yesterday?) I worked at two of our locations... my office in the fancy part of town and the clinical location. In between those two places is the official downtown part of SF. So after my meeting at the clinical location I started to walk back to my office. That means I went from the financial district, through the tenderloin, and then back down past the government buildings, and then decided that I would just get on BART and go home.

I think that liminal space is essential. The in between. The parts that are working hard to become, maybe someday, the other parts. The parts that aren't always recognized. I love those parts.

I made a vow somewhere that I would write. Not much, but that I would do it. So that's all you get now.

That we are all living in some kind of liminal space. That maybe the only real space is the liminal.

We are all in between, on our way to becoming one thing or another. Let's embrace that. It's important.