Sunday, March 24, 2013

Class War

I've often wondered what it would be like to just go to the doctor when you were sick. Or to just buy new clothes when the ones you have no longer fit properly. Or to not look at price tags. To pay bills on time, every month. Without having to choose carefully between one thing or another. To have unlimited access to education and knowledge.

People have that. Many of my friends have that. I think it's great. I'm happy for them.

Yet I question a system that allows so many to never know that sense of security.
A system that sets so many up to fail.
A system that is inherently hierarchical and unbalanced.

There is no reason, not one, that people should want for things that are abundant.

That's why I'm an anarchist.
There is something better than this.

It's compassionate and kind.
It's egalitarian and it's possible.

I want so much for people to open their eyes.

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